
Going global requires transport of goods and passengers

Specialists in transport matters

Carriage of goods and passengers involves many different kinds of businesses. The applicable rules of Danish European and International law form a complex maze. When things go wrong, the consequences may be excessive.

Regardless of the mode of transport, IUNO is ready with advice to all links in the supply chain.

Specialists in transport matters

Carriage of goods and passengers involves many different kinds of businesses. The applicable rules of Danish European and International law form a complex maze. When things go wrong, the consequences may be excessive.

Regardless of the mode of transport, IUNO is ready with advice to all links in the supply chain.

Carrier liability

When carrying goods from A to B, many things can go wrong. The goods may be delayed, damaged, or lost and it may be difficult to determine liability.

IUNO is ready to assist – no matter if you are the shipper, the carrier or the insurer.

Carrier liability

When carrying goods from A to B, many things can go wrong. The goods may be delayed, damaged, or lost and it may be difficult to determine liability.

IUNO is ready to assist – no matter if you are the shipper, the carrier or the insurer.

In general, the carrier is subject to strict rules when it comes to liability. But not all claims filed against a carrier are justified. And even if the carrier is liable the rules concerning limitation of liability and insurance cover must be taken into account. It may also be relevant to consider taking recourse action against a sub carrier.

IUNO can help you to impose or avoid carrier liability. We can assist from the initial claim and if necessary, all the way until the Supreme Court has handed down a ruling.

Freight forwarding and logistics

International carriage of goods is carried out quicker and more efficiently than ever. Accordingly, the logistical requirements are challenging, and the transport and customs paperwork must be in order. If things go wrong, the financial losses may be substantial.

At IUNO, we can assist in all freight forwarding and logistic matters.

Freight forwarding and logistics

International carriage of goods is carried out quicker and more efficiently than ever. Accordingly, the logistical requirements are challenging, and the transport and customs paperwork must be in order. If things go wrong, the financial losses may be substantial.

At IUNO, we can assist in all freight forwarding and logistic matters.

A freight forwarder may undertake many different tasks and accordingly many different kinds of claims may follow. Demurrage, custom claims and cargo damage are but a few. When things go wrong it is paramount to act swiftly and to make sure to apply the terms of the contract of carriage correctly.

At IUNO, we can help you to clarify the applicable regulation and to get the contract of carriage in place. We are ready if the ship or cargo is arrested or made subject to lien or if recourse action should be taken against the performing carrier.

Conditions of carriage

The conditions of carriage must be drafted with careful attention to the exact modes of transport in question, and whether they are domestic or cross border. Depending on whether you are the shipper or the carrier you have different requirements and interests that the conditions of carriage must address and reflect.

IUNO can assist you with the drafting or understanding of the often long and complex conditions of carriage that are used throughout the transport industry.

Conditions of carriage

The conditions of carriage must be drafted with careful attention to the exact modes of transport in question, and whether they are domestic or cross border. Depending on whether you are the shipper or the carrier you have different requirements and interests that the conditions of carriage must address and reflect.

IUNO can assist you with the drafting or understanding of the often long and complex conditions of carriage that are used throughout the transport industry.

When handling a domestic or a multimodal transport it may be decisive whether the contract of carriage provides for limitation of liability. If not, the carrier may be obliged to pay out full compensation. Frequently, several carriers end up in a dispute about liability.

IUNO can assist with carefully drafted conditions of carriage in order to make sure that it is clear who is liable, and that the carrier may apply back-to-back liability cover.


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12 October 2022

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The team


